Global SEO

High-quality content is of the utmost importance when it comes to success in global SEO. You need a profound knowledge of both the target language and the culture to determine your keywords. LinQuake has the required knowledge and tools to make sure your content meets these requirements.

Global SEO

A professional translation is an important part of delivering your message to an international audience. However, a translation alone is not sufficient in order to achieve optimum content with findability on search engines. There is a whole list of things to bear in mind, even when we leave the technical aspects of SEO aside. When it comes to your on-page SEO you should pay attention to things like:

  • Keywords
  • Page structure
  • Page titles
  • Meta description
  • Images and links

By optimising your content in every language, you can achieve a higher click-through rate (CTR) and a low bounce rate. The reader will first be tempted to visit your page through an inviting meta description. The content on the page should then make sure that potential clients and other interested parties will linger on your page. This is how you can really reach them.

The importance of language

The importance of language can barely be overemphasised when it comes to global SEO. Your readers can only find you if the words they are using match your keywords. Therefore, if you simply translate your texts, you’ll be likely to shoot blanks. To give an example: If you are selling fridges, you can choose to translate the word fridge in French to either “frigo” or “réfrigérateur”. First of all, it is important that you are aware of the existence of these options (and the possible differences in their interpretation) to be able to research which option will receive the most hits.

Your written texts are what give readers a first impression of your company and its products and/or services. You only have one chance to make a good impression, and good content can ensure that you make the most of it. Therefore we recommend paying special attention to this. It is an investment that will definitely pay off.

Achieving the best result together

LinQuake can help you with global SEO in every language. As is the case with all of our services, when providing an SEO service we put a strong emphasis on intensive cooperation with our client. We believe that the foundation of successful cooperation lies in excellent communication. A good briefing, a clear plan of approach and intensive communication about the texts, languages and target groups are the key to success. We are also open to working intensively with your technical SEO partner.

Keyword research

Every text on your (WordPress) website is written around a specific keyword. You will likely have researched which keyword is the best choice for your texts, so you will need to do the same thing for the other languages. As was mentioned before, a translation alone will not suffice. You need to make a choice based on the local, common language. That is why you should carry out multilingual keyword research. The following questions should be considered in this process:

  • Which synonyms exist for my keyword?
  • Which translation option best fits my product or service?
  • Which term will have the largest amount of search results?
  • Which search engine is used the most? (Google, Yandex, Baidu)?
  • What are my competitors doing?

By carrying out multilingual keyword research you will get an insight into the answers to these questions and information on the terms and the search results. With this information, you can make a substantiated decision about the right keywords. These terms can then be incorporated into the process of SEO copywriting, or we can use them in the glossaries during a regular translation process.

A catchy meta description

The first bit of information that an interested party sees about your page in the search results of a search engine, is the text that you have written in the header and the meta description for that page. This first impression determines whether a person will or will not click on the link. As a result of global SEO, you are aiming to have the highest possible click-through rate (CTR) on all your pages, so that as many people as possible will land on your website.

In this case, it is again true that a translation alone will not lead to the best result. It is recommended that extra attention is paid to writing an inviting text for the meta description, in language that is easily recognised by the reader. It can be a good idea to stray from the source text in this case, and to work with a copywriter, who will be able to “play” with the words and the word order to achieve the best result.

Page structure

Another important aspect of good online findability is the structure of the page where your content can be found. Readers like texts that they can “scan” quickly, to extract the information that is most relevant for them. You can achieve this by using strong headers above the text and throughout the page. In general, a well-organised division of information, using enumerations and short descriptions, is pleasant to read.

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This term, which is a contraction of “translation” and “creation”, is being used more often in recent years. When it comes to transcreation, the purpose of the text and its surrounding context, such as images, become more important. Here, the emphasis is placed on the intended message directed at the target group within the market in question. In a lot of ways, transcreation goes beyond translation.

Transcreation is very relevant within the context of global SEO. As was mentioned above, when it comes to search engine optimisation, a translation alone is not sufficient. It is always a challenge to ensure that the text has the same impact in every language. Some extra creative writing is often just what you need.


The images and links you use on your page are a relevant element of global SEO as well. It’s an element that tends to receive less attention, so there are all the more opportunities to make a difference in this area. Apart from the technical aspects optimising the images includes things like:

  • Translating the file name
  • Translating the alt text
  • Adding a keyword to both

By properly incorporating these elements during the process of localising your website, search engines will give your content a higher value.

Links and URLs

Another aspect that tends to be overlooked in global SEO is making sure that the links are accurate in every language. The internal links that refer to pages within your website, as well as the external links, are worth a revision. After all, it looks quite careless when your new page in Polish refers to a page in Dutch or English. LinQuake can help you find relevant pages in the target language.

Besides this, it is of great importance to use SEO-friendly URLs. An URL should contain clear text and should preferably include a keyword. Avoid the use of automatically generated URLs, and provide an easily readable URL. So, for example: instead of

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