Step 1: As a client, you need a text and/or translation and reach out to LinQuake.
Step 2: LinQuake works with an online translation platform on which you can submit your translation request. One of our project managers will process your request.
Step 3: Depending on your request, the translators, copywriters or machine will start working on the text. If present, they will use the existing translation memory as well as any decided terminology and SEO keywords.
Step 4: The text or translation created by the translators, copywriters or machine is forwarded to a reviser in our translation platform.
Step 5: The reviser thoroughly checks the text on grammar, spelling, terminology, style, sentence structure and meaning.
Step 6: The project manager at LinQuake carries out a final check in the translation platform and delivers the text or translation to you on the platform!
You can find a PDF version of the infographic here.